A tough but motivating start

After a week and two days of departure we have finally found a moment to write on a bit! and also charge batteries 🙂

The second day (as someone already know) we dedicated entirely to improve and open the blog (which like brides did expect). After this unexpected beginning, we started on 11th Tuesday, to what a real trip we felt. We didn’t have friends around us to support us, no family waiting at the end of the day.

We left Valcanera at midday and headed to our first destination: Girona. The capital of the region offered spectacular scenery as always, probably the most beautiful provincial capital of Catalonia. I have to say hello to Veronica, assistant to the tourist office and all the workers there who were very friendly and attentive to us.

We continue north where we spent night in Bascara and Colera before crossing the Pyrenees. All without abnormalities except glasses of Max, the glasses decided to travel around the world on his own!

The first mountain ports were exhausting, but reaching the border motivated us to continue. We reached the first French village Cerbere, where we dropped the “San Quentin” (below of rain). Soaked to the buttocks decided to rest and wait for it to pass the time, which fortunately it wasn’t long. We  continued on France where we spent night in Banyuls-sur-mer, Saint Cyprien, Port Leucate and Narbonne.

Highly recommended the French coast. As always we want to thank all your help to us to make this trip possible. We also appreciate the support of David, Miguel Ángel, Marta, Sebastien and all that we are on the way and decide to talk to us, especially Silvia and her neighbors who welcomed us into their land last night.

Thanks a million to read us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Thanks to the family of Manel who came to see us in Narbonne.Millions of kisses !!!!

dia familia narbonne

    7 comments on “A tough but motivating start

    1. holà, un besico de narbonna, bon viaje y baya con dios (no sabe escrivir en espanol!!!!)

      • Muchas gracias Sylvia! Os estamos muy agradecidos por vuestra cercanía y por la ayuda que nos habéis prestado. Un abrazo!

    2. ¡Estupendo chicos!

      Soy uno de vuestros seguidores incondicionales. Espero ver muchas entradas en este blog y seguir vuestras aventuras lo más cerca posible.

      Un abrazo grande.

    3. Bonjour les garçons,
      Bravo pour votre voyage,j’étais avec ma sœur Jane dans son potager ,à Méounes dans le Var au sud de la France.
      Je vais suivre vos péripéties à travers le monde.
      Si vous passer à Buenos-Aires Argentine faites moi signe.
      Bon voyage???

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