Hello World! My name is Max and I’m from Barcelona. In August of 2015 I started a bike travel with the idea of cycling around our blue planet. The project is to go through the five continents in three years max, trying to spend as little as possible. To do it I have on my bike what, Read more
As many of you know, during my break at home I decided to end the journey and definitely return to my homeland. It was a difficult decision, so until the last moment I have not decided.
I write these lines already from home. I had a return ticket to Greece, because my plan was to continue to Turkey, which is why I returned to Greece to take my bike and started my (fast) back home. I went from the island Euboea to Patras, from there I took a ferry to Ancona (Italy). The plan was to do the way from Ancona to Civitavecchia also by bicycle, but I wanted to arrive early and had pain in the ass (perhaps having done 147 kilometers one of the previous days) I decided to take a train to Civitavecchia (via Rome). What the desire to arrive soon does not mean I have lost interest in traveling, but I must admit I had not the same motivation pedaling toward Asia to do back home. In Civitavecchia I took another ferry to Barcelona.
Although it has been a long time without writing, most of my people know what it is about me. I came back to Barcelona for the winter. I try to explain what happened since I left Athens, and why I decided to come back.
After spending Christmas and New Year in Athens (again, many thanks to Stelios and his family for those fantastic weeks) I resumed the journey on Monday 11 January. But the back to the route was for a short time, in fact just one day.
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I always talk about the route, the people I meet and the moments that I live with them. I try to transmit what I live on this trip, in more or less accurate way, that in some way you travel with me. But I’ve never explained why I began this journey and the change of life that is it, beyond the brief explanations that I give to those you ask me.
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I wrote the last post about three weeks ago in Albania. The next day of publishing it Manue and Max took his way to Thessaloniki, Clement and I continued near the coast to Egio.
It’s been almost a month since I wrote the last post, and many things have happened since then, more than my own imagination could expect for that time interval. But it is something I begin to get used to, a week of this trip equals more time on my “normal” life, in terms of moments and anecdotes.
I spent a week at the home of Tatjana and his family, near Rijeka. It helped me relax after a week of route along the coast of Slovenia and Croatia, and also gave me the opportunity to meet several cyclists who went through that house and which I shared the apartment and good times.
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