As many of you know, during my break at home I decided to end the journey and definitely return to my homeland. It was a difficult decision, so until the last moment I have not decided.

I write these lines already from home. I had a return ticket to Greece, because my plan was to continue to Turkey, which is why I returned to Greece to take my bike and started my (fast) back home. I went from the island Euboea to Patras, from there I took a ferry to Ancona (Italy). The plan was to do the way from Ancona to Civitavecchia also by bicycle, but I wanted to arrive early and had pain in the ass (perhaps having done 147 kilometers one of the previous days) I decided to take a train to Civitavecchia (via Rome). What the desire to arrive soon does not mean I have lost interest in traveling, but I must admit I had not the same motivation pedaling toward Asia to do back home. In Civitavecchia I took another ferry to Barcelona.

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Although it has been a long time without writing, most of my people know what it is about me. I came back to Barcelona for the winter. I try to explain what happened since I left Athens, and why I decided to come back.

After spending Christmas and New Year in Athens (again, many thanks to Stelios and his family for those fantastic weeks) I resumed the journey on Monday 11 January. But the back to the route was for a short time, in fact just one day.
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I always talk about the route, the people I meet and the moments that I live with them. I try to transmit what I live on this trip, in more or less accurate way, that in some way you travel with me. But I’ve never explained why I began this journey and the change of life that is it, beyond the brief explanations that I give to those you ask me.

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I wrote the last post about three weeks ago in Albania. The next day of publishing it Manue and Max took his way to Thessaloniki, Clement and I continued near the coast to Egio.

Despedida de Manue y Max

Goodbye to Manue and Max

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It’s been almost a month since I wrote the last post, and many things have happened since then, more than my own imagination could expect for that time interval. But it is something I begin to get used to, a week of this trip equals more time on my “normal” life, in terms of moments and anecdotes.

I spent a week at the home of Tatjana and his family, near Rijeka. It helped me relax after a week of route along the coast of Slovenia and Croatia, and also gave me the opportunity to meet several cyclists who went through that house and which I shared the apartment and good times.
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